College syllabus
9:15 AM Posted by Krishna
1) Java is faster than C
My foot.. the only thing faster than C is assembly
2) It does not use pointers
I would say "explicit pointers" is a better term.. all objects in java can be used as references.... which are implicit pointers
3) Java doesnt use templates
"Generics have made their way into java"
4) Java doesnt use multiple inheritance and pointers because it is tough for the user to use
It does not exist because
i) Multi inheritance leads to multiple copies of a function which leads to run time collisions.
ii) Pointers lead to access of memory outside the vm.. so it leads to security lapses
5) Java has a very good inbuilt GUI called ATK..
yuck!!!! ATK is an " Abstract" window toolkit
Swing is the real GUI toolkit
And i would recommend that anna univ upgrades its texts to the latest .. or atleast current stable version of java
Like programmers say it..
"Lets go dynamic"