An Act of Selfishness

1:34 PM Posted by Krishna

Its 1:17 AM and I can hear the buzz of my Air-Conditioner trying to save me from the heat of my very own Singara Chennai. My mind racing from one topic to next, thinking and re-thinking as to with what and how I fill the next few lines. "What have we brought in to this world and What are we going to take away from it!", says Bhagavat Gita and given that its pretty much a valid statement, I can't help but wonder - "What's this big Rat race for??" We all (Me included) are tuned to the thought process that we ought to be the best and get the best - The best of education, the best job, the best chick, the best salary and maybe the best death possible!! And most of our entire life is dedicated chasing the BEST!! If we take a pause, think and let the other rats go ahead, we might realize this big FACT - BEST is the matter of the mind, the more we chase it, the more it runs away from us. And for all practical purposes this is a race tending towards infinity. The sad truth, albeit the small pause which we take and the wonderful wisdom which we get, is that We DON'T WANT TO QUIT THIS RACE :) and pondering the question of as to "Why can't we quit this race?" I stumble upon another question "Do I/We live My/Our LIFE on My/our terms?" The answer to this question is a simple No!! Inspite of all the claims of being "The so-called REBEL" all our life is lived in consideration of something or someone. In short this Human virtue of being selfish is greyed by an epitomisation of selflessness. What can beat this "Living your life in pursuit of Something/someone" as the biggest selfless act?? And yet we call ourselves selfish :) Maybe the biggest bliss of our life lies in being Selfish... Worrying only about thyself and considering nothing else... Maybe then we might take that Pause... Maybe then we might realize the fact "We have got nothing into this world and take nothing away from it.... other than US!!"



  1. Insangelous said...

    Krishna trying to make sense of what the other Krishna said!! :D

  2. Anonymous said...

    "Conformance" is the word you're looking for, I believe :)

  3. sherpaz_nirvana said...

    Stil not the KP I know of :)

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